Adult Education
You may have called it Sunday School or Adult Fellowships somewhere else. This is a Connection Place geared toward learning and growing in a classroom setting. Typically, though not exclusively, these occur on Sunday mornings, in conjunction with our regular, Sunday morning gatherings.
Men's Connection
Guys, we love being successful in life, in all areas. Jesus expects us to follow His commands, and we want to be faithful with His plan for us. But what does that look like? How do we follow Jesus in today’s world? Join us as we explore these questions through routine, occasional, or one-time Connection events, helping you in your unique, spiritual journey and life experiences.
Ladies' Connection
Ladies, we want you to Connect with God and each other. Through events, Bible studies, or book clubs, we hope to see ladies developing deep friendships, having fun, and loving and learning about God. We put opportunities into four categories.
Gather—activities, events, retreats
Discover—small group studies through topics of life and exposure to God’s Word
Deeper—inductive study of the Bible
Breather—women/wives/moms spending time together for rest and refreshment
Young @ Heart
This is a very special gathering of adults, 50 years old and over. A strong and faithful group that has two, primary Connection Places—Wednesday mornings from 10:00-12:00, and special activities a few times during the year. This group is coordinated by Ron Clipp, with Bible teaching provided by Clark Robinson.
Home Groups
These Connection Places are relationship-based groups for the whole family. Whether meeting in homes or at the church building, these are designed for mutual encouragement and growth. Because the focus is depth of relationship, content in each is determined by the leader and the group, such as prayer, fellowship, service or Bible study